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Longevity Under 40 Years


The 2 individual Longevity sounds for Under age 40 and Over age 40 have their origins in 2 earlier programs, the 2007 The Road to Wellness Once a Month Detox program which ‘activates’ the Human Growth Hormone in the body assisting with age reduction,  and a later program in 2013 which works with the bodies DNA and more to reduce the ‘biological age’ of the person and which has been the impetus for the development of the A New Younger You membership program which is still in the development process.

The Longevity programs took a different path with the focus being on information first proposed in the 1960’s that some people had a longer ‘expected lifespan’ based on the production of the amounts of specific hormones within the body.

It is believed that specific hormones decrease in production after the age of 40 years, these being estrogen in women and testosterone in men and in being able to reactivate them assists with increased liver function and optimised cellular function.

My suggestions for utilising the Longevity sounds for Under age 40 is to play this sound x once a week.


Although a good deal of the information in the Longevity Under 40 Years program is repeated in the Longevity Over 40 Years program it does contain additional information and the instructions in the specific vibrational sound program are quite different to those in this program


Longevity Under 40 Years Bonus

The Emotional Enhancement sounds are based on Tibetan Bells and Energetic frequencies and designed to create an ‘improved mood’. At 5 minutes and 45 seconds in length they are ideal for a quick boost in both mood and energy.

These unique sounds can be played quietly in the background or good to have on your phone (and may be left on repeat if desired).

The Emotional Enhancement program is included in the www.the7stepstofreedom.com anxiety giveaway.


FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

Although a good deal of the information in the Longevity Under 40 Years program is repeated in the Longevity Over 40 Years program it does contain additional information and the instructions in the Longevity Over 40 Years specific vibrational sound program are quite different to those in this program

Q 1 What does Longevity mean?

A 1 Longevity; a long life? A long life span; Living longer than the predicted ‘age’ for male or female by the people who ‘profess’ to know. So the Dictionary tells us, I had said on my 30th Birthday that I was planning on having a 150th birthday to much amusement from my family and friends. However, I was serious! Moving forward from 1980 to the early 2000’s and I had a deeper realization that living a longer and healthier life was actually possible.

My Early Days of Exploring Longevity

The Road to Wellness Detox program created in 2007 which was both a program in its own right and a support program for the original Absolute Autism programs heralded the beginning of my exploring longevity from a cellular level, the effects of toxins on the cellular structure of the body and how pollutants could reduce our estimated lifespan.

One of the questions I asked in The Road to Wellness was ‘Why do I need to detox or cleanse my body’?

Why indeed, from the moment of our conception whilst still in the womb we begin absorbing pollutants into our bodies. These pollutants are then stored in the individual cells of our bodies, in our brain, eyes, heart, and our liver to name a few as well as in the skin, tissues and the cells.

Q 2 How often can I or do I need to play The ‘A New Younger Longevity Under age 40 program?

A 2 The My suggestions for utilising the Longevity sounds for Under age 40 is to play this sound x once a week. As an override to the suggestion above; if you are familiar with Kinesiology / Muscle Testing or some other form of ascertaining answers to questions for yourself, e.g.dowsing, pendulum work or similar then I suggest that you ‘fine tune’ how often your body requires the Longevity Under 40 sounds to be played.

Muscle Testing with another person

Q 3 Why is the Longevity Under 40 Years program NOT suitable for those over 40 years of age

A3 The Longevity Under 40 Years program is NOT suitable for those over 40 years of age as the cellular instructions contained in this program are different to the Longevity over age 40 program. Originally, I questioned creating the cut off of the ‘younger’ program at age 45 and after many questions I reduced the age of the Under and Over 40 programs accordingly as I was receiving / stronger / better answers to my questions with the small age reduction.

Q 4 What can I expect from the Longevity Under 40 Years program?

A 4 This could be called the $64,000 question. As everyone is individual, so are their bodies and their results will be equally as individual. In short, my aim is to assist you to live a longer and healthier life. The 2 individual Longevity sounds for Under age 40 and Over age 40 have their origins in 2 earlier programs, the 2007 The Road to Wellness Once a Month Detox program which ‘activates’ the Human Growth Hormone in the body assisting with age reduction, and a later program in 2013 which works with the bodies DNA and more to reduce the ‘biological age’ of the person.

This later program has been the impetus for the development of the A New Younger You programs with the view of creating an online membership program where I can add many more of the programs I have created over the years and make them available to more people for at home use. Look out for more information on this one later in 2020.

Q 5 What made you look at Longevity?

A 5 Basically, I have an inquiring mind. I like to know things and to ‘explore’ possibilities. I had many years ago read some information first proposed in the 1960’s that some people had a longer ‘expected lifespan’ based on the production of the amounts of specific hormones within the body.

It was seen in many instances as a proverbial ‘Fountain of Youth’ available to some people and not others. It is believed that these ‘specific hormones’ decrease in production after the age of 40 years, and in being able to reactivate them assists with increased liver function and optimised cellular function. As cellular function and genetics are passions of mine the Longevity programs took a different path with the focus being on could I instruct the body to continue producing these ‘special’ hormones.

With all of the programs I have created over the years I have instructed the body that any detoxification be of a gentle nature and at a level that the individual can comfortably accommodate, and that my intention is that these programs are ‘self adjusting’ to the individual. Depending on the levels and types of hormone production in the body results may vary with the individual.

Q6 I have noticed some skin eruptions since I have been using the Longevity under 40 sounds is this normal?

A 6 Yes it can be. Your skin is the largest organ in the body and as your body follows the instructions encoded within the sounds as it activates your hormone function it is also instructing your body to ‘detox’ old and unwanted toxins which may be interfering with your hormone production as well as old or damaged ‘cells’. When your body ‘detoxes’ it will often be through your skin being the largest organ in your body.

If you imagine taking two kidneys from the butchers and rolling them out with a large rolling pin, and then draping this thin ‘sheet’ over the body, basically that is your ‘skin’. We detox more toxins through our skin than we do through our kidneys on a daily basis. During a detox process your body will eliminate more through your skin than at any other time.

Since the original The Road to Wellness detox program in 2007 I have noticed different ‘breakouts’ of my skin and have celebrated everyone as I have visible proof of the changes within my body and other people have commented on my ‘appearing to have stopped the ‘time clock’ as I do not appear to be

The deeper the levels of toxicity one would expect to ‘take more time’ however I have found interesting results with individual people over more than 15 years and prior to the early detox programs in utilising some of the ‘earlier’ sounds. I will add in an ‘override’ here that these programs will not work if they are not played.

Am I being harsh? Actually, I am coming from a space of honesty and practicality, I have personally ‘bought’ programs in the past with the good intentions of ‘using / playing them’ and seriously ‘life has got in the way’. One of the ‘good’ things about this program is it does not need to interfere with your life. You DO NOT need to sit and listen to the program, adorn yourself with headphones or ear buds. These programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish.

Q 7 You said in Question 7 that I DO NOT need to sit and listen to the program, adorn yourself with headphones or ear buds. These programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish. Can they have an effect on the other people in the house?

A 7 As I said previously ‘One of the ‘good’ things about this program is it does not need to interfere with your life. Although these programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish they will not have an effect on anyone else unless they are ‘willing to accept them’.

Now if we take that statement a step further and give it some consideration I had said for many years that the ‘sounds’ as I call them worked like throwing a stone into a pond and having the ‘ripple effect’ go out. One day the body of consciousness that I have worked with since 2004 did a ‘sorry Sheila, you have got it wrong’.

What they explained to me was about morphogenic resonance and quantum physics (not my fields of expertise at all) and that ‘sound travels’ basically in waves. When you listen to or experience a ‘vibrational sound program your body basically ‘encodes’ the memory of the program within your cell structure. We can see this as ‘each of your cells’ contains the vibration that you have experienced.

Just as other people can ‘pick up’ on our thoughts and feelings they may also ‘pick up’ on the vibration encoded within your cells and as we are sentient beings or able to feel or perceive things, you may find that other people may have a ‘I wouldn’t mind whatever it is that (xyz) is having on a deeper cellular level. If we take that statement a step further; often in You creating change in You that can have a flow on effect to other people. I have used this explanation for a long time as I have spent years working with children: I see young ‘Johnny’ as a client and his behaviour improves.

Johnny goes off to school and has a good and non disruptive day in class. Johnny’s teacher goes home and she is ‘less stressed’ as she hasn’t had to fight with Jonny all day to keep him focused. Johnny goes home and he has had a good day at school so he is in a good mood when he arrives home. Johnny’s mother who loves him dearly is less stressed after Johnny arrives home as he is in a good mood and not upset about the happenings at school. Johnny’s siblings quickly pick up on the changes in the household and are also more relaxed. Johnny’s Father arrives home to a more calm and settled family and the calmness flows on to him as well and it continues on. Now this can be true with the majority of the vibrational sound programs.

Q 8 In Q 3 You said that the Longevity under age 40 is not suitable for those over age 40. If I am close to age 40 should I use the over age 40 program or start with the Longevity under age 40 program. Basically what I am asking is will a few months make much difference.

A 8 Yes, you are correct, I did say that the Longevity Under 40 Years program is NOT suitable for those over 40 years of age as the cellular instructions contained in this program are different to the Longevity over age 40 program.

A few months, for example up to six months should not make a great deal of difference and I would invest in yourself with the Longevity over age 40 program for the ongoing benefits that you will gain from that long term.

If you wish to test for yourself and are familiar with using Kinesiology or Muscle Testing as below or some other form of ascertaining answers to questions for yourself, e.g.dowsing, pendulum work or similar then I suggest that you question what your body requires.

Muscle Testing with another person

Q 9 How long should I play the Longevity program for?

A 9 Depending on which of the Longevity programs you are using, the Longevity under age 40, until age 40 and then change to the Longevity over age 40 and for as long as you plan on living for. I extended my 150th birthday to a 200th so I am inviting you to join me and celebrate. I felt that this question should be shared as it made me smile.

Q 10 A friend of mine shared some information with me on one of your new programs; who are you and how do you do what you do? Sorry that’s two questions and asked with love.

A 10 Hi my name is Sheila and I am a mother, grandmother, great grandmother and in many instances a girl in a woman’s body. I have an inquiring mind, a need to know, and a passion to create solutions. I hope that helps.

A New Younger You Programs

Detoxing BPA and Endocrine Disruptors

Longevity Under 40 Years

Longevity over 40 Years

Detoxing Heavy Metals

Detoxing the Energetic Bodies

Lymph Detox

The New Road to Wellness ONCE A Month Detox

Sheila Kennedy Websites




